What's faith got to do with everyday life?

July 31, 2018

Everyday Matters, by Wayne Kirkland

What's faith got to do with everyday life?

In spite of how it is often treated, the everyday does matter to God. And it should matter to us. 
Everyday Matters argues for taking ordinary activities seriously, so that our faith shapes and changes the very ways we eat, work, inhabit houses and neighbourhoods, drive, shop, connect with others through hi tech devices, and play and watch sport. All these arenas of life (among others) are opportunities for both worship and transformation. 
Instead of just treating such activities as inconsequential to our faith, the gospel calls us to evaluate and redeem them in quite distinctive ways. In order to do this we need to develop a robust and practical theology for everyday life. 
This book will help individuals and communities of faith to begin this journey.

I've written this book over a number of years and now it's available as a complete e-book. If you've subscribed to my Ruminations over the past fifteen years you will be familiar with at least some of the material.

Light in style but not in substance, the chapters are grouped together under four main topics - food, housing, technology, and sport, and interspersed with short reflections on other everyday issues.

To give you an indication of the breadth of subjects touched on, scroll down to the bottom of this post for a summary of the contents.


As I have chosen to make this latest book of mine free-of-charge, feel free to pass this email on to others you think might be interested. 

How do I get a copy?

With no printed copies available, Everyday Matters can only be downloaded and read on electronic devices such as desktop and laptop computers, tablets, smartphones and e-readers. 

If you are not comfortable with reading an e-book and would prefer to have a hardcopy in your hands, it is possible to download a pdf and print it out. 

Everyday Matters comes in three widely used, downloadable formats:

  • ‍Mobi (for those who use Amazon's Kindle)
  • e-pub (for those who use iBooks or Barnes & Noble)
  • pdf (for those who don't normally read e-books but who would like to print it out and read it in hardcopy).

Let me know what format you'd prefer and I can email the e-book directly to you.

Alternatively, you can buy it on Amazon, or Barnes & Noble or Smashwords, for a small charge.

Warm regards,




Introduction         1. What’s God got to do with everyday life?       


Eating                      2. Loving Food                                                                              

                                    3. Eating Well                                                                   

                                    4. Eating Generously                                                     

                                    5. Just Food                                                                       

                                    6. Eating Responsibly                                                   


Interlude                 I’ve been ruminating about shopping malls       


Residing                  7. A Place called Home                                                

                                    8. My Home, My Castle                                     

                                    9. Location, Location, Location                              

                                    10. Resourceful Living                                     


Interlude                 I’ve been ruminating about driving                       


Connecting             11. Technology Rules                                                   

                                    12. Can Technology Save Us?                                    

                                    13. Driven to Distraction                                            

                                    14. Alone Together                                                        


Interlude                 I’ve been ruminating about cellphones                


Playing                    15. Sports Mad                                                                

                                    16. A Matter of Life and Death                                

                                    17. Solidarity at the Stadium                        

                                    18. The Competitive Spirit                            

Epilogue                  I’ve been ruminating about sleep    

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