
Links to podcasts & videos

from the St David's community

Latest Podcasts

19/5/24 - Martin Robinson speaks on Acts 2:1-4 for Pentecost Sunday

5/5/24 - Brooke Livingston takes us into important issues in the third instalment of our Ruth series

21/4/24 - Shirley Simons takes us into ch2 of Ruth series to help us reflect on God's loving and inclusive Kingdom priorities

7/4/24 - Fiona Duncan introduces our 4-part series on the profound Book of Ruth

31/3/24 - On Resurrection Sunday, Hamish Dobbie shares about his own journey of making real the resurrection of Jesus in his own life [Mark 16:1-8]

24/3/24 - Sonya Lewthwaite looks at the Palm Sunday theme of Jesus' rejection by the religious elite and asks: where might we be saying 'no' to Jesus? How might we receive Jesus' "yes" to us? [Luke 19:35-42]

4/3/24 - Wayne Kirkland shares about "Christ's strength in my weakness" 1 Cor 1:18-29

18/2/24 - Martin Robinson speaks on the Divinity of Christ in Mk 1: 9-15

15/10/23 - Suzie Baird reflects on the invitation of Jesus to the Wedding Feast in Matt 22:1-14.

1/10/23 - Maria Kirkland shares on the 'Upside-down' Kingdom of Jesus depicted in Phil 2:1-13

17/9/23 - Hamish Dobbie reflects on Mt 18:21-35, and how forgiving and being forgiven is radically Good News

3/9/23 - Sonya Lewthwaite reflects on Mt 16: 21-28, and how the Good News of Jesus might not be what we assume or expect

6/8/23 - Alison Robinson, Caro & Steve Willis share about the call to participate in planting new Kingdom expressions

2/7/23 - Martin shares reflections on Renewal - a flourishing of the 5-fold gifts (Eph 4: 7, 11-13)

18/6/23 - Alison & Martin's first week back at St David's post-sabbatical - they share a few reflections

Jonny Sarich shares his reflections on John 20:19-23

16/04/2023 St Davids - Jonny Sarich

Wayne Kirkland shares an Easter Sunday Reflection

09/04/2023 St Davids - Wayne Kirkland

Anna Robertson-Bate shares on John 9:1-12

19/03/2023 St Davids - Anna Robertson-Bate

Sara Kindon shares on James 1: 2-4 - responding to our troubles and trials (Listening & responding to God #11)

Wayne Kirkland reflects on how helpful Psalms are for developing an authentic and honest prayer life (Listening & responding to God #10)

Jon Screech rethinks the role of Martha in Luke 10: 38-42 as a real disciple of Jesus (Listening & responding to God #9)

Ben & Phillippa Ching bring a reflection on Luke 12 & 19 'having a rich relationship with God'. (Listening & responding to God #8)

Jonny Sarich shares about his personal journey of listening to God and 'doing'. (Listening & Responding to God #7)

Alison Robinson shares about the importance of Listening to God leading to discerned responses (Listening & Responding to God #6)

Wayne Kirkland recounts inspirational examples of those who have listened to God and obediently responded (Listening & Responding to God #4)

Alison Robinson shares about Jonah 2 - 'Trusting God in the Belly of the Beast' (Listening & Responding to God #2)

Martin Robinson reflects on Jonah 1 - being 'Awake and alert to God's presence and our calling' (Listening & Responding to God #1)

Suzie Baird gives her powerful testimony and insight into her experience of the saving work of Jesus and her journey to mental health and wellbeing

Easter Sunday 2022: in a chaotic world, Alison Robinson invites us to live deeper into Resurrection Hope

Sonya Lewthwaite introduces the place and power of intercession in response to events and situations that feel overwhelming (note - this recording starts a few minutes into Sonya's message - apologies!)

Alison Robinson reflects on her gradual journey of trying to be an 'honourable Christian Tiriti partner'

Māmari Stephens shares on 'Pursuing a just reconciliation with Tangata Whenua' as our 10th and final reflection on key Features of Jesus-centred Communities.

Alison Robinson reflects on being 'Witnesses to the Good News of Jesus' as a crucial feature of Jesus-centred communities

John Crawshaw reflects on 'Finding & Knowing God' as a crucial feature of Jesus-centred Communities

Jonny Sarich reflects on how being 'People of the Spirit' is so crucial to being a Jesus-centred community

Wayne Kirkland shares thoughts on how 'Jesus reframes our attitude to the poor and the hold of wealth' as a core feature of Jesus-centred Communities

Latest Videos

Sonya Lewthwaite shares on how 'Learning to forgive and be forgiven' is unique to Jesus-centred Community

Hannah D-C reflects on the centrality of 'Caring for this Whenua' as a crucial feature of Jesus-centred Communities

Wayne Kirkland reflects on why 'Work is Sacred' and how central it is to a Jesus-centred Community