2nd of September service re-cap.
- International Buy a Priest a Beer day is coming up next week, Sunday 9 September. Island Bay parishes are apparently taking this very seriously, brewing special beers in honour of the day, and would-be saints. Martin and Alison seemed happy to receive offerings in the form of beers or lemon lime and bitters :)
- There is no reason to not have enough lemons to offer lemon lime and betters, as the fruit market will be on still every Friday night out side the Naenae Library for the next four weeks. This is part of the Friday night Markets initiative down at the Naenae Shops. See you down there!
Adventure Sunday, how did it go?
Litergical Gathering at Maise's
Fiona reported that it was a lovely gathering at Masie's place to go through the Anglican liturgy, from page 404 of the Red Book. Walking through the steps, reciting together reminders of God's place in our lives.
Psalm 84 was the focus, reflecting on what it means to 'Dwell in the house of the Lord', pausing and just being with God. Tea and conversation followed.
McClelland-Deans Gathering
Several families gathered together to do a great deal of talking and eating it seemed. They started with morning tea, then wondered down to Naenae Primary for balls and bubbles, where the parents formed a natural conversational circle once more and did more talking and eating.
One participant commented that this was the best Sunday service ever!
While there was no formal structure, this was it's strength. Time to sit, talk and connect with people.
Food, fun and fellowship, a winning combination on any day.
Gangster Gardening at the DC's
A small gathering at the DC's made short work of their front formally fortress-like fence.
Many weeds were pulled (some more thoroughly than others), conversation had and food eaten.
There were various beautification theories shared about the opportunities presented by the DC's frontage, a swing was postulated.
Lauren and Nuku made a guest appearance at one stage.
This seemed to be a wonderful opportunity to be able to share the fact that on this Sunday, some were able to able to take action in their community, literally changing their environments.
The kids were enthused with helping garden and provide copious cups of tea, an activity to be encouraged further :)
Bertram Grove BBQ
Badminton, bikes, BBQ and back yard banter. That's the broad strokes of the street bbq at Bertram Grove.

We had the three houses of Simteau (Simons Fecteau), Kirkland and Robinson in attendance, with three other neighbours joining the festivities. Nuku and Lauren also joined us for food and conversation.

We strung up a badminton net between the tress, fished errant shuttle-cocks from said trees, and ate bangers and salad with our community.

- On reflection could be that this kind of event might not lend itself to monthly regularity. This would free up Bertram habitants, and associates, to attend other Adventure Sunday activities on intervening months.

Recovery Church
A small group met together to connect over a sense of shared history.
A feeling of familiarity lent itself to the group being place for vulnerability and honesty.
It was a good time to get together with similarly minded people and to have a yarn and worship.
Calvert Commune
A few faithful communed with Barry and Sallie at their place.
Reports were given that it went well and feelings were that this is a good thing, and we should continue with Adventure Sundays.
Message: Provisions for the Journey
1 Kings 19: 1-8
John 6, 32 - 35
Martin preached on Provisions for the Journey, being sustained on a pilgrimage. Where today we often are tempted to look to false gods to worship and gain sustenance.
Encouragement is a great gift from God that we can share with each other. God's love and promises have the ability to sustain us, to bind us together in faith. God loves us all and calls us to journey with, and draw upon Him.
(My summation may be totally wrong, but those were some of the main points I picked up).
The actual notes from this message should be made available on this post soon, from Martin himself soon.
The Rest
Otherwise, we had communion, the kids made letters of some description, eventually playing wth balloons around the church.
Thank to to Libby and Graeme for leading music for us, and to the Dunwoodie clan for setting up and dishing out morning tea with biscuits, carrot sticks and dips. Great job.
Blessings to you all who couldn't be there in person if not spirit.